Wednesday, August 24, 2011

how could i
have known?
about the secret.
the truth bubbling underneath
the thin surface
of this illusion
we were trying to create.
we trudge along in the meantime.
this shows us
that it is impossible to forget;
to live like we don't know.
being oblivious to the obvious.

Monday, August 22, 2011

the dark ocean

only late at night does the ocean seem frightening while during the day, my feet were itching to touch and feel its coldness against my skin. now am reducing to watching through glass. oblivious to the cars parked around us doing dirty deeds under the guise of the night's shelter of darkness. still it beckons. my ears strain to hear the crash of the waves against the sand, the rock. even if my skin can't get near its touch.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


the bliss
of being able to read in peace
even the sound of a kiss
can be heard even without
our lips touching...
the mention
of the impending
the joy looming

Thursday, August 11, 2011


something happened today... something that has me all aflutter... feeling misplaced... something must have happened today... to have me feeling scattered... all over the place... head still but spinning at the same time... i am almost certain that something did happen today
something must have happened today
... am waiting for that phone call.. or that text message... that will confirm this uneasy feeling...
i want to sit down.. rest these weary bones... but something is keeping me awake...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


is a small amount of something...

when situations whip your ass... gets one wondering
how much you know?
life stuff...
grown-up stuff...

for some reason,
i dared to imagine
that i was 'educated' about stuff
only because
i used to have an answer for everything

turns out smart responses
aren't really good indicators of how much
i know

so now when asked,

if i know

i gesture hesitantly
'a smattering'....