Thursday, January 14, 2010

23 year old's guide into the pants of a 29 year old momma

getting into my pants is far less exciting than getting into my mind
and staying there
so even our point of departure is rather flawed
but i will indulge him:

there really is no one highway
you could try getting into my head
because i'm past that stage
while he was a surly teenager
with no care in the world
i was a young mother
having to deal with way more shit
than he'll ever smell in his whole life
harsh but real
so i can see right through all that bull
he doesn't need to trick himself or even me into believing that
he's in love or he needs to make me feel that way in order to get "some"
cos i just won't be falling for that nonsense any time soon..
but there is something sweet, real almost about the way that
such situations get one thinking.

so i will not buy into any smooth talking about how big or grand you think you may be
frankly i'll decide when i see it
depending on how keen my mood is, really
save it till then.

when i do eventually let your muddy fingers touch me
i know my body very well
so shut up and listen
and you, pretty friend, might just enjoy the ride

i probably haven't helped much in the way of a guide
but you'll figure out as you get to know me